A Platform to WARN Everyone, Especially the TRUE CHURCH (THE BRIDE/ELECT) of CHRIST JESUS To GET PREPARED. To be forewarned is to be forearmed.
Thursday, 22 May 2014
Islam is NOT a Religion of Peace/Submission to God and it CANNOT lead U To God. ONLY CHRIST CAN. MUSLIMS HAVE 3 TYPES OF JIHADS/VIOLENCE: 1. When they are in the Minority, 2. When their numbers are the same with that of Non Muslims & 3. When they are in the Majority).
JIHAD 1 (ACCOMMODATION): In Quran 109:1-7, Mohammed tells Muslims to Accommodate Non-Muslims. He said Muslims should serve Allah and allow Non-Muslims (whom he often called ''Disbelievers/Unbelievers/Pagan) to worship their God. NB: Thus, Muslims should ACCOMMODATE Non-Muslims and obey the Laws of the Country where they find themselves when they/Muslims are in the Minority. They/Muslims should practice their Islam and allow Non-Muslims to practice their faith/religion. This is the real Text:
''Say, ‘O ye disbelievers! ‘I worship not that which you worship; ‘Nor worship you what I worship. ‘And I am not going to worship that which you worship; ‘Nor will you worship what I worship. For you your religion, and for me my religion.’
JIHAD 2 (DEFENSIVE): In Quran 22:39-40, Mohammed tells Muslims to be Defensive (Fight Back) when they are being attacked. NB: Thus, when Muslims population/number is equal to Non-Muslims in a country they find themselves, they should NOT ACCOMMODATE NON-MUSLIMS; THEY SHOULD DEFEND THEIR FAITH BECAUSE THEY ARE EQUAL TO THE NON-MUSLIMS IN TERMS OF NUMBERS/POPULATION. This is the real Text:
''Permission [to fight] has been given to those who are being fought, because they were wronged. And indeed, Allah is competent to give them victory. [They are] those who have been evicted from their homes without right - only because they say, "Our Lord is Allah ." And were it not that Allah checks the people, some by means of others, there would have been demolished monasteries, churches, synagogues, and mosques in which the name of Allah is much mentioned. And Allah will surely support those who support Him. Indeed, Allah is Powerful and Exalted in Might.''
JIHAD 3 (OFFENSIVE): In Quran 9:29, Mohammed tells Muslims to Fight anybody (Non-Muslims) who do not accept Islam. NB: Thus, Mohammed tells Muslims that, wherever they OUTNUMBER Non-Muslims, they should fight till all Non Muslims accept Allah and the so-called last Messenger Mohammed. IT IS AT THIS STAGE THAT MUSLIMS APPLY SHARIA LAWS. In short, Mohammed tells Muslims to fight at all cost for EVERYONE TO ACCEPT ISLAM. This is the real Text:
''Fight those who do not believe in Allah or in the Last Day and who do not consider unlawful what Allah and His Messenger have made unlawful and who do not adopt the religion of truth from those who were given the Scripture - [fight] until they give the jizyah willingly while they are humbled.''
NB: jizyah IS a per capita tax levied on non-Muslims who live in Muslim/Islamic Country. So, Mohammed is telling Muslims to fight Non-Mulsims until they stop paying that tax and convert to Islam.
Now, check the progression: From ACCOMMODATING (when they/Muslims are in the Minority) to DEFENDING (When they/Muslims are equal to Non-Muslims at where they find themselves) THEN TO OFFENDING (When they/Muslims are in the Majority).
This is the reason why In some parts of the World, the Muslims are Not Violent. The reason is simple: They/Muslims are few in that country. This is Jihad 1
And where their/Muslim's population is equal to the Non-Muslims, then they/Muslims should fight back anytime they are attacked. This is Jihad 2
BUT When they are in the majority (i.e. when they/Muslims outnumber Non-Muslims), then they should make sure they fight & force all Non-Muslims to convert to Islam. This Jihad 3, when they implement SHARIA LAWS. Have U seen a full Islamic/Muslim Country where Christians are Not Persecuted by Muslims? Yet, Muslims find themselves in Full Christian Countries and are allowed to practice their faith without persecution. WHICH WAY IS PEACEFUL? CHRIST/CHRISTIANITY or MOHAMMED/ISLAM? CHOSE THE FORMER (i.e CHRIST) OVER THE LATTER (MOHAMMED).
~Samuel Kwasi Forkuo
Pope Will 'Recognize Palestine, Call to End Occupation'
PA, Arab Christian officials say pope is starting his visit in Bethlehem in order to send a political message.
PA, Arab Christian officials say pope is starting his visit in Bethlehem in order to send a political message.
First Publish: 5/19/2014, 12:10 PM

Pope Francis with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas
Palestinian Authority (PA) and Arab Christian sources are already celebrating Pope Francis's visit to Israel starting next Sunday, saying his choice to begin the trip directly in PA-held Bethlehem is meant to "recognize Palestine" and "oppose the occupation."
"He is taking a helicopter directly from Jordan to Palestine - to Bethlehem. It's a kind of sign of recognizing Palestine," Father Jamal Khader of the Latin patriarchate in Jerusalem told AFP.
The claims that his trip will begin in a "recognition of Palestine" comes amid reports from February by Rabbi Sergio Bergman, a member of the Argentinian parliament and close friend of Pope Francis, who said that the pope intends to define himself as the "Che Guevera of the Palestinians" and support their "struggle and rights" during his visit.
In Bethlehem the pope is to travel in an open-top car and meet with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, holding "mass" prayer services there instead of in Jerusalem in what has been called a show of support for the PA.
It has been noted that the pope has been remarkably tight-lipped over the violent persecution of Christians in Bethlehem, instead choosing to condemn alleged Jewish "price tag" vandalism.
After the "mass" services, the pope is to visit a nearby "refugee camp."
"Knowing who he is, and his sensitivity for all those who suffer, I am sure that he will say something defending all those who are suffering, including the Palestinians who live under occupation," Khader said.
A visit to "end the occupation"
The political aspects of the visit were highlighted by Hind Khoury, a former PA minister for Jerusalem affairs, who said "everything will be highly charged politically."
"This visit will help us in supporting our struggle to end the longest occupation in history," said Ziyyad Bandak, Abbas's adviser for Christian affairs.
Bandak noted that the pope "will have a lunch with Palestinians, with families suffering from the occupation...then he will visit Dheishe refugee camp to witness the suffering of Palestinian refugees."
The fact that "the pope will begin his visit in Palestine and not Israel," as Bandak put it, was meant as a slight to the Jewish state according to the PA official, who added "I know that Israeli officials are not happy with this decision."
"We welcome this visit and consider it as support for the Palestinian people, and confirmation from the Vatican of the need to end the occupation," concluded Bandak.
Israeli officials presenting 'our point of view' - on Iran
On the other hand, an Israeli official speaking to AFP on condition of anonymity said "the very fact of the visit is a success," noting the Tourism Ministry had reported an anticipated 10% rise in Christian tourism over the coming year thanks to the visit.
However, a great portion of the pope's time spent not under PA-controlled areas is reportedly planned to be spent in largely Arab-populated neighborhoods of eastern Jerusalem.
The pope is set to meet Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu at the Vatican-owned Notre Dame complex located on the "seam" between Jewish and Arab neighborhoods.
In the meeting "we shall be able to explain to him, from our point of view, what's happening politically in the region," an Israeli official said.
The official did not specifically note that those explanations would include a counter to the narrative of "occupation," pushed so strongly by the Arab sources speaking about the visit, instead saying simply "we shall explain to him the Iranian threat."
At least one Jerusalem official does not plan to greet the pope. Councilman Aryeh King announced he would not attend an official welcoming of the pope unless he "will bring in his suitcase the treasures of the Jewish people that were stolen by his predecessors, treasures that today are located in the Vatican's basement."
Arutz Sheva recently reported plans to dramatically increase the number of days on which Christian services are held at the complex of King David's Tomb, which holds the "Last Supper Hall," from one day per year to 60. These plans have been officially denied by the Israeli government.
Earlier reports that parts of the compound would be handed over to the Vatican were also denied by the Chief Sephardic Rabbi and Israel's Ambassador to the Vatican, as well as Minister of Public SecurityYitzhak Aharonovich.
"He is taking a helicopter directly from Jordan to Palestine - to Bethlehem. It's a kind of sign of recognizing Palestine," Father Jamal Khader of the Latin patriarchate in Jerusalem told AFP.
The claims that his trip will begin in a "recognition of Palestine" comes amid reports from February by Rabbi Sergio Bergman, a member of the Argentinian parliament and close friend of Pope Francis, who said that the pope intends to define himself as the "Che Guevera of the Palestinians" and support their "struggle and rights" during his visit.
In Bethlehem the pope is to travel in an open-top car and meet with PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas, holding "mass" prayer services there instead of in Jerusalem in what has been called a show of support for the PA.
It has been noted that the pope has been remarkably tight-lipped over the violent persecution of Christians in Bethlehem, instead choosing to condemn alleged Jewish "price tag" vandalism.
After the "mass" services, the pope is to visit a nearby "refugee camp."
"Knowing who he is, and his sensitivity for all those who suffer, I am sure that he will say something defending all those who are suffering, including the Palestinians who live under occupation," Khader said.
A visit to "end the occupation"
The political aspects of the visit were highlighted by Hind Khoury, a former PA minister for Jerusalem affairs, who said "everything will be highly charged politically."
"This visit will help us in supporting our struggle to end the longest occupation in history," said Ziyyad Bandak, Abbas's adviser for Christian affairs.
Bandak noted that the pope "will have a lunch with Palestinians, with families suffering from the occupation...then he will visit Dheishe refugee camp to witness the suffering of Palestinian refugees."
The fact that "the pope will begin his visit in Palestine and not Israel," as Bandak put it, was meant as a slight to the Jewish state according to the PA official, who added "I know that Israeli officials are not happy with this decision."
"We welcome this visit and consider it as support for the Palestinian people, and confirmation from the Vatican of the need to end the occupation," concluded Bandak.
Israeli officials presenting 'our point of view' - on Iran
On the other hand, an Israeli official speaking to AFP on condition of anonymity said "the very fact of the visit is a success," noting the Tourism Ministry had reported an anticipated 10% rise in Christian tourism over the coming year thanks to the visit.
However, a great portion of the pope's time spent not under PA-controlled areas is reportedly planned to be spent in largely Arab-populated neighborhoods of eastern Jerusalem.
The pope is set to meet Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu at the Vatican-owned Notre Dame complex located on the "seam" between Jewish and Arab neighborhoods.
In the meeting "we shall be able to explain to him, from our point of view, what's happening politically in the region," an Israeli official said.
The official did not specifically note that those explanations would include a counter to the narrative of "occupation," pushed so strongly by the Arab sources speaking about the visit, instead saying simply "we shall explain to him the Iranian threat."
At least one Jerusalem official does not plan to greet the pope. Councilman Aryeh King announced he would not attend an official welcoming of the pope unless he "will bring in his suitcase the treasures of the Jewish people that were stolen by his predecessors, treasures that today are located in the Vatican's basement."
Arutz Sheva recently reported plans to dramatically increase the number of days on which Christian services are held at the complex of King David's Tomb, which holds the "Last Supper Hall," from one day per year to 60. These plans have been officially denied by the Israeli government.
Earlier reports that parts of the compound would be handed over to the Vatican were also denied by the Chief Sephardic Rabbi and Israel's Ambassador to the Vatican, as well as Minister of Public SecurityYitzhak Aharonovich.
Pope Francis Goes Public With Support Of RFID Chip Implantation - See more at: http://nationalreport.net/pope-francis-public-support-rfid-chip-implantation/#sthash.ZtKTHalH.yn0H5v9P.dpuf
Posted about 3 days ago
<National Report>In a controversial move by the Catholic church, Pope Francis has come out in vocal support of RFID Chip technologies and the extraordinary potential they hold for mankind. The outrage stems from a belief held by many Evangelicals, Fundamentalists and Catholics, that RFID implants are the Mark Of The Beast, spoken about in their Holy Book’s chapter regarding the end of the world.
“We have examined the scriptures thoroughly, and I can conclusively say that there’s nothing to indicate that RFID Chips are Satanic in anyway. If anything, these devices are a blessing from God himself, bestowed upon humanity to solve many of the world’s ills.” He went onto urge his devotees to be open minded in this era where brilliant new technological advancements are being made everyday. The Bishop of Rome explained to those in attendance his excitement over making RFID implantation a mandatory procedure for all employees and residents of the Vatican.

During the Pontiff’s weekly general address, he spoke to the crowd about his view on the RFID technology, and assured his many followers that no spiritual harm can come from receiving an RFID implant.
Last month, NBC predicted that by 2017, every American will own a RFID implant. Not surprising, considering humanities ever increasing reliance on technology. With the advent of products like Google Glass, the merging of Man and Machine inches closer each day. Widespread implantation of the RFID chip would be an enormous and historic leap into that glorious, utopian future.
Late last year the citizens of Hanna, Wyoming helped to beta test RFID implantation. Everyone residing in the small town carries an RFID device between the skin of their thumb and forefinger, using it both as an ID and a method for paying for goods and services. Towns members state that the opinion of the RFID is overwhelmingly positive, and are proud to be the first Americans to have received the implant.
Several aspects of modern society can be improved with the implementation of RFID technology. Crimes such as kidnapping and identity theft would cease to exist. In medical emergencies where the patient is incapacitated, doctors can find life saving information by scanning the individual’s RFID chip, and for those people who love shopping, you’ll never have to carry money that can be stolen, or debt cards that can be lost; Now your entire banking information is literally in the palm of you hand.
With the Pope’s endorsement and blessing, interest in RFID implantation is sure to see a wider acceptance from members of the church. This could, hopefully, be the push that this agenda needs to gain household recognition.
Source: http://nationalreport.net/pope-francis-public-support-rfid-chip-implantation/
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