
Wednesday, 10 June 2015


The Holy Spirit is the 3rd Person in the Trinity: GOD THE FATHER, GOD THE SON & GOD THE HOLY SPIRIT. ''
For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.'' 1 John 5:7-8. Sadly, He is the most misunderstood by many believers. A person can talk about Him, tell people that they have Him and even seemingly exhibits some gifts which they claim to be from the Holy Spirit BUT YET MIGHT NOT KNOW HIM. Many claim they have been filled by the Holy Spirit, yet a careful and righteous examination of their lives proof otherwise. I must be honest and say that I have been a victim before. Glory to God that He stepped in, redeemed me from that falsehood and set me on a genuine course. And so many pastors, theologians and gurus in Christendom can and mostly fall into this trap of falsehood: talking and writing about the Holy Spirit without experiencing HIM. Thus, what most of them use as justification to have been filled with the Holy Spirit is FAKE. 

When a person is saved GENUINELY, the Holy Spirit comes to reside/live in him. And as the believer grows in Christ through obedience to God and fellowship, hating sin, he gets to a level where he (the believer) is absolutely/totally controlled by the Holy Spirit. Thus, he becomes 'possessed/Led' by the Holy Spirit. Think of how a person behaves when he is filled (drunk to his stupor) with alcohol. He behaves as led by the Alcohol. In the same vein, when a person is filled with the Holy Spirit, he is controlled by the Holy Spirit. The only difference between the one FILLED with ALCOHOL and the one FILLED with the HOLY SPIRIT is that, the former (the ALCOHOL-LED) MISBEHAVE whilst the latter (the SPIRIT-LED) BEHAVES GENTLY AND PURSUES HOLINESS, RIGHTEOUSNESS, PEACE, LOVE AND IS OF SOUND MIND. ''And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit'' (Galatians 5:18). Being filled with the Spirit is not about talking; it's about walking it. It should reflect in our lifestyle. We must WALK THE TALK. ''If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit'' (Galatians 5:25).

Some people think that it is through prayers and fasting that a person becomes filled with the Holy Spirit. Well, although these exercises can help in weakening the activities of our FLESH, it is OBEDIENCE TO GOD that allows the Holy Spirit freedom to work within us. If you can fast for 100 days, pray for 24 hours etc and yet is NOT OBEDIENT TO GOD, all the exercises are futile. Without SALVATION & OBEDIENCE, A PERSON CANNOT BE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT. THAT IS WHY IF WE SAY WE ARE SAVED AND YET LIVE IN DISOBEDIENCE (SINNING WITHOUT CONFESSING AND REPENTING FROM THEM), WE'RE ONLY DECEIVING OURSELVES). If we are filled with the Spirit by LIVING/WALKING IN THE SPIRIT (WHICH IS DONE THROUGH OBEDIENCE TO GOD), WE SHALL NOT FULFILL THE LUST OF THE FLESH (Galatians 5:16). IF WE WANT TO KNOW THAT WE ARE FOR CHRIST, THEN WE SHOULD CHECK IF INDEED WE HAVE PUT TO DEATH THE DEEDS OF THE FLESH (Galatians 5:24). Now, Acts 2:1 reads ''And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one accord in one place.'' Jesus had, before his ascension, instructed them (the Disciple and His followers) to WAIT FOR THE PROMISED COMFORTER, THE HOLY SPIRIT. ''And, being assembled together with them, commanded them that they should not depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father, which, saith he, ye have heard of me.'' Acts 1:4. AND WHEN THE 120 BECAME OBEDIENT TO JESUS' INSTRUCTION AND WAITED IN THE UPPER ROOM, THE HOLY SPIRIT CAME AND FILLED THEM. ''And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.'' Acts 2:4. THERE IS NO WAY A PERSON CAN BE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT, EXCEPT HE IS SAVED & IS OBEDIENT TO GOD.


They are Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophecy, Discerning of Spirits, Speaking in Tongues, and Interpretation of Tongues (1 Corinthians 12:8-10). ''And he gave some, Apostles; and some, Prophets; and some, Evangelists; and some, Pastors and Teachers'' Ephesians 4:11. 

Why Does God give these Gifts to Believers? To PROFIT/HELP ALL (1 Corinthians 12:7);  For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ. Ephesian 4:12.

Is the Eye More Important than the Liver and vice-versa? NO! Is the Nose More Important Than the Heart and vice-versa? Is the Ear more Important than the Intestines and vice-versa? CERTAINLY NOT. THEY ARE ALL IMPORTANT BECAUSE TOGETHER, THEY MAKE A PERSON/BODY, WHOLE. So it is IN THE BODY OF CHRIST. So let's get this straight; NO MEMBER OF THE BODY OF CHRIST IS GREATER THAN THE OTHER. That is; a Pastor IS NOT GREATER than a Teacher, Prophet, Evangelist or any of the rest. In the same way, someone with the Gift of Prophecy or Speaking in Tongues IS NOT GREATER THAN the one with the Gift of FAITH, WISDOM or KNOWLEDGE. 

A person has ONE BODY but SEVERAL PARTS COME TOGETHER TO FORM THE BODY.IN THE SAME WAY, OPERATORS OF THESE GIFTS COME TOGETHER TO FORM THE BODY OF CHRIST. CAN THE NOSE BECOME THE EYE? NO. SHOULD THE TOES ENVY THE TONGUE? NO. IS THE HEAD MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE HEART? NO. SHOULD THE LIVER ENVY THE MOUTH BECAUSE THE LIVER IS NOT SEEN BUT THE MOUTH IS ALWAYS SEEN? NO. YET YOU WILL SEE MANY CHRISTIANS (THOSE WHO ARE NOT SEEN QUITE OFTEN LEADING THE CHURCH) ENVYING THOSE WHO ARE OFTEN SEEN. YOU'LL SEE THOSE WHO SPEAK IN TONGUES AND THOSE WHO HAVE THE GIFT OF PROPHECY SEEING THEMSELVES AS MORE IMPORTANT AND LOOKING DOWN ON THOSE WHOSE GIFTS ARE TO ENCOURAGE OTHERS OR TO CLEAN THE SEATS. It is even sadder to see a Pastor lording himself over the Church members -- making himself the so-called ''SPIRITUAL FATHER'' of the congregants; always claiming he is the ONLY person that God can use to speak to the Church. Such pastors are not different from Levitical Priests in the Old Testament under the Old Covenant. But as we know, under the New Covenant, we're all equal because we all (whether you are an Apostle, Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor or a Teacher; whether you have the Gift of Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophecy, Discerning of Spirits, Speaking in Tongues or Interpretation of Tongues) COME together to form the Royal Priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). No one is superior to the other. We all are brothers and sisters and CHRIST JESUS is our HIGH PRIEST. Thus, we all are priests (NOT LEVITICAL PRIEST) and CHRIST JESUS IS OUR HIGH PRIEST. Therefore, if we meet and in one accord, as led by the Holy Spirit, leaders are appointed for the congregation, those leaders should NOT see themselves as lords/masters over the other believers. And nobody should envy other believers; let's be content with the Gift the Holy Spirit has given us, even if nobody recognizes our gifts. Let's use it faithfully and the God who sees what is done in secret will reward us when He appears in His glory.


But the fruit of the Spirit is Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance: against such there is no law. (Galatians 5:22-23). These are the Fruits a person bears when the Holy Spirit lives in him and directs his ways. That is, when a person is filled with the Holy Spirit, he bears these fruits.


It is so sad that, in our time, many Christians are desperately and zealously seeking the GIFTS of the HOLY SPIRIT, YET they don't attach even half of that Desperation/Zeal to BEARING THE FRUITS of the HOLY SPIRIT. What is the essence of EXHIBITING THE GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT WHEN YOU CANNOT EXHIBIT THE FRUITS OF THE SPIRIT. HOW CAN A TREE APPEAR OR PRETEND TO BE MANGO AND YET WILL NOT BEAR MANGO FRUITS? THIS IS HYPOCRISY; AND THIS SHOULD LET THE BODY OF CHRIST BEGIN TO EXAMINE OURSELVES. If we have the GIFTS of Wisdom, Knowledge, Faith, Healing, Miracles, Prophecy, Discerning of Spirits, Speaking in Tongues or Interpretation of Tongues BUT DO NOT bear the FRUITS of the Spirit which are  Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance, THEN WE ARE DECEIVING OURSELVES. The question then is; Is it possible for a person to have the GIFTS Without the FRUITS of the Spirit? Now, let's see it this way. As of the Gifts, that of the Holy Spirit are GENUINE but the devil has got COUNTERFEITS (His version of the GIFTS which are FAKE). Therefore, this is what I humbly tell people; NEVER SAY A PERSON IS FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT BASED ON THE GIFTS HE EXERCISES; RATHER, LOOK AT THE FRUITS HE IS BEARING. JESUS CHRIST NEVER SAID WE SHALL KNOW THEM (FALSE WORKERS - Prophets/Teachers, etc) BY THEIR GIFTS. NOT AT ALL. HE SAID WE SHALL KNOW THEM BY THEIR FRUITS.

''Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit.'' Matthew 7:16&17

''Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.
'' Matthew 7:20

If you are not producing/bearing Love, Joy, Peace, Long-Suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance Yet you claim to be FILLED with the Holy Spirit, you are a LIAR. If you are not worried over failure to produce these FRUITS of the Spirit but are so worried about, and consumed with, DESIRE to have the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, then you are a LIAR. It is a clear attestation that you ONLY WANT TO BE SEEN; For the Gifts will let people see you. BUT WHAT WILL SHOW THAT YOU ARE TRULY FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT ARE THE FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT WHICH YOU WILL BEAR/PRODUCE. DON'T BE DECEIVED BY THE GIFTS; PURSUE THE FRUITS. Is it therefore wrong to desire (for) the Gifts? Not at all. But first thing first. Make sure you are PUT BEING FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT & BEARING THE FRUITS FIRST BEFORE DESIRING THE GIFTS. NO ONE CAN ENTER INTO HEAVEN BY VIRTUE OF EXHIBITING THE GIFTS.

''Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?
 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.'' Matthew 7:22&23

From above scriptures, you can see that on THAT DAY, many people would ask for access/entrance to Heaven and their reasons would be;
(ii) GIFT OF HEALING: Because they CAST OUT DEVILS.... &

BUT WHAT WOULD BE JESUS' ANSWER TO THEM? ''I NEVER KNEW YOU; DEPART FROM ME...'' This should tell us that, it is NOT the Gifts that is the Big thing, rather the FRUITS. If you could preach for people to repent; if you could heal the sick and prophesy to people....YET YOU LIVED IN SIN AND INSTEAD OF PRODUCING THE FRUITS OF THE FLESH, YOU RATHER PRODUCED THE FRUITS OF THE FLESH, YOU SHALL SURELY BE LOST. If you still doubt that a person can exercise the Gift of the Spirit and still be lost, read this message Jesus gave to His Disciples. In fact, it was a warning.

‘’ Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven.’’ Luke 10:20

Jesus had sent these 70 followers He had at that time in sent them two and two into every city and place and He gave them power over the devil. (Verses 1&9). They returned and reported that even the devils subjected to them through Jesus’ name and that meant in the NAME OF JESUS, they could perform miracles, cast out devils/demons to bring healing to those who were in bondage (Luke 10:17). If exercising the Gifts (healing and miracles, for example) were enough, Jesus wouldn’t have warned them. Ever since God revealed this TRUTH to me, my focus is not on the Gifts, but the Fruits. If the Fruits we bear stink and yet we claim to be filled with the Spirit, we must begin to question the kind of Spirit we have been filled with. For the Holy Spirit, when He fills a person, BRINGS CHANGES INTO THE PERSON’S LIFE.


It is good to be filled with the Spirit. And it is also good to exhibit the GIFTS of the Spirit. BUT WHAT WILL SHOW THAT WE ARE FILLED WITH THE HOLY SPIRIT AND THAT THE GIFTS WE EXHIBIT ARE FROM THE HOLY SPIRIT (and not from a foul spirit) ARE THE FRUITS OF THE HOLY SPIRIT THAT WE WILL BEAR...WHICH ARE  Love, Joy, Peace, Long-suffering, Gentleness, Goodness, Faith, Meekness, Temperance. Are We bearing these Fruits? If YES, praise God. Let’s keep on perfecting them by God’s Grace. If NO, then let’s examine ourselves and go to God in sincere prayers and confession for Him to cleanse us from any foul Spirit and allow the Holy Spirit to come and take residence. In Jesus’ Name....AMEN!

By:      Brother Samuel Kwasi Forkuo
            Admin, Warning: Church, Get Prepared (WCGP)

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