
Wednesday, 8 July 2015

Message One: The Origin of The Jesuit Order (JULY SERIES: The Jesuits, Roman Catholic Church Et Al)

JULY 2015 SERIES: The Jesuit, The Roman Catholic Church Et Al
Message ONE:  Origin of The Jesuit Order

Date: Tuesday, 07/07/2015


The Goal of Vatican and the Roman Catholic Church is to capture the World, with Jerusalem and the Temple Mount being their utmost target, handing it over to the (White) Pope and ruling from there as headquarters of the Roman Catholic Church. That is why, as first step towards the goal, Vatican formed ISLAM by planting Ex Catholics such as Khadijah  and her cousin Waraquah in Muhammed's life in order to shape his ideology and vision. Are you surprised the Catholics & Muslims have a lot of things in common? Never be! Well, the Muslims outsmarted Vatican by refusing to return captured Temple Mount to the Pope; for the original agreement was that Vatican would provide weapons and necessary assistance to the Muslims to capture the Temple Mount and then hand it over to the Pope. But when Vatican fulfilled her part of the agreement, the Muslims REFUSED to fulfill their part; going ahead to build Al-Aqsah (i.e. The Dome of the Rock) Mosque there, sitting side-by-side with the Jewish Wailing Wall. If you want to know more about ''Vatican Gave Birth to Islam,'' please visit VATICAN GAVE BIRTH TO ISLAM.

Vatican and for that matter, the Roman Catholic Church, has always envied the Temple Mount--wanting to have there as its Headquarters. With time the land of Israel was filled with infiltrators/Impostors (False Jews) and the True Jews became few. (We will talk about this subject in another Message). Later, Protestants/Reformers arose, posing as opposition to Vatican and for that matter the Roman Catholic Church. This gave birth to the Inquisition (we will talk about that one later).

As the Inquisition was dying down, a 'militia,' or ''society,'' to replace it was hatched. The Jesuit Order, which is often referred to as ''The Society of Jesus,'' was then formed. The brain behind it (i.e. the Person who formed it) who also happened to be its first Superior General was Ignatius Loyola and the Pope at that time, Pius III, happily embraced it. In sum The Jesuit Order was primarily formed to Silence Protestantism/Reformation, Capture the world but first Jerusalem (especially the Temple Mount) FROM the Jews TO the (White) Pope where he will rule the world from. It is of no surprise to some of us, but to many, that Vatican now owns about 60% of all Israel lands and the Land of the Temple Mount. Would you be surprised if the Jesuits trigger any act of terror to blow the Dome of the Rock to make way for the Third Temple to be built, where they have always wanted their Pope to rule from? Don't be, if it happens. But until then (and even if it doesn't happen), have in mind that Vatican owns more than half of the lands in Israel, all through the diabolic tactics of The Jesuit Order. Having said this, let's now move to the origin of The Jesuit Order.


''The Jesuits ultimate goal is the rule of the world, with the Pope of their making, from Solomon’s rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem. That’s their ultimate goal. The Jesuits have always wanted that. When Ignatius Loyola first started the Order, one of the first things he did was, he wanted to go to Jerusalem and set up the Jesuit headquarters there. So, he went there, he tried to do it and failed, came back, went to school, started his Latin studies, etc. Maybe it might be a good idea to just review a little bit about Ignatius Loyola.

Ignatius Loyola was a Spanish soldier, and he was wounded at a battle between the French and the Spanish, and his leg was shattered. Well, the French General, because Loyola was very brave in conflict, ordered his own doctors to attend Loyola. So they set the leg and sent him back to his home—which, of course, he was royalty to the Counsel of Loyola in Spain, in the area of the Basques.

Loyola, through his series of desiring to regain his leg—it had healed improperly, so he made a rack where he would stretch the leg, with severe, horrible, awful pain—and trying to stretch this leg to get it back to normal shape, he endured awful, terrible pain. He had it rebroken, again, a couple of times and it still did not heal properly, so he had a perpetual limp. He could no longer be the courtier among women, and as a result, he went into this depression, and he then had this vision of the saints, etc., etc., and he wrote his spiritual exercises.

I will stop at the spiritual exercises, just for a minute, but I’ll take up from there. Loyola then wanted to form an army, but when this happened with his spiritual exercises, those spiritual exercises would be basic training for all of his Jesuits. That’s what they will ALL go through. That’s what every Jesuit goes through today.

One of the maxims of the spiritual exercises is that if my superior says “black is white and white is black”, then that’s the way it is. That is in his spiritual exercises. That is what is quoted in JFK, when Kevin Costner is telling his people: “Hey, people, we’ve got to start thinking like the CIA. Black is white and white is black.” That was a Jesuit giveaway that the Jesuits produced that movie, because they’re quoting Ignatius Loyola in that movie from his spiritual exercises.

So, Loyola had an indomitable will. He had a will of steel, and he set his mind to regain back what the Papacy had lost to the Reformation. And so, he went to the Pope, and the Pope in 1540 then created the Jesuit Order. But this man is a soldier, he’s a lawyer, and he put together a legion of soldiers and warriors to get back what Rome had lost, as well as institute a World Government for the Pope, from Jerusalem. This was in 1540.

He started the Order in 1536. He was arrested by the Inquisition, and he was released, and he went to the Pope; he threw himself at the feet of the Pope. He would be completely at his service. The Pope chartered him, and that Pope was Pius III. The Pope chartered them, created the Jesuit Order; now he has Papal protection, and they began their awful history of deeds of blood. And war after war after war after war, they’re all attributed to the Jesuit Order in some way. Catholic nobles, with lots of money, donated castles and schools and money to the Jesuit Order.’’ Eric Jon Phelp.

If you want to get other version, from a liberal's point of view, you can go to


Now, let's see some of the Jesuit-Generals (also known as Father-Generals) that the Order has had from its inception to date.

List of Superiors General

1Ignatius of LoyolaIgnatius Loyola.jpgApril 19, 1541July 31, 1556AzpeitiaSpain5,582
2Diego LaynezDiego Laínez.jpgJuly 2, 1558January 19, 1565Almazán, Spain2,393
3Francis BorgiaSan Francisco de Borja.jpgJuly 2, 1565October 1, 1572Gandia, Spain2,648
4Everard MercurianMercurian.jpgApril 23, 1573August 1, 1580La Roche-en-Ardenne,Belgium2,657
5Claudio AcquavivaCAcquaviva.gifFebruary 19, 1581January 31, 1615AtriItaly12,399
6Mutio VitelleschiNovember 15, 1615February 9, 1645Rome, Italy10,679
7Vincenzo CarafaVCaraffa.jpgJanuary 7, 1646June 8, 1649Naples, Italy1,248
8Francesco PiccolominiDecember 21, 1649June 17, 1651Siena, Italy543
9Aloysius GottifrediJanuary 21, 1652March 12, 1652Rome, Italy51
10Goschwin NickelMarch 17, 1652July 31, 1664JülichGermany4,519
11Giovanni Paolo OlivaGPOliva.jpgJuly 31, 1664November 26, 1681Genoa, Italy6,327
12Charles de NoyelleCharlesNoyelle.JPGJuly 5, 1682December 12, 1686Brussels, Belgium1,621
13Thyrsus González de SantallaJuly 6, 1687October 27, 1705Arganza, Spain6,688
14Michelangelo TamburiniMTamburini.jpgJanuary 31, 1706February 28, 1730Modena, Italy8,521
15Franz RetzFRetz.jpgMarch 7, 1730November 19, 1750PragueBohemia7,562
16Ignacio ViscontiIVisconti.jpgJuly 4, 1751May 4, 1755Milan, Italy1,389
17Aloysius CenturioneACenturione.jpgNovember 30, 1755October 2, 1757Genoa, Italy672
18Lorenzo RicciLRicci.jpgMay 21, 1758August 16, 1773Florence, Italy5,566
Stanislaus Czerniewicz[3]October 17, 1782October 21, 1785KaunasLithuania1,100
Gabriel Lenkiewicz[3]October 8, 1785October 21, 1798PolotskBelarus4,761
Franciszek Kareu[4]February 12, 1799August 11, 1802Orsha, Belarus1,275
Gabriel Gruber[5]October 22, 1802April 6, 1805ViennaAustria897
19Tadeusz Brzozowski[6]T.Brzozowski.jpgAugust 7, 1814February 5, 1820KönigsbergPrussia2,008
20Luigi FortisFortis.jpgOctober 18, 1820January 27, 1829Verona, Italy3,023
21Jan RoothaanRoothaan.jpgJuly 9, 1829May 8, 1853Amsterdam,Netherlands8,704
22Peter Jan BeckxBeckx.jpgAugust 2, 1853March 4, 1887Scherpenheuvel-Zichem, Belgium12,267
23Anton AnderledyAnderledy.jpgMarch 4, 1887January 18, 1892BerisalSwitzerland1,781
24Luis MartínMartin Garcia Luis SJ.jpgOctober 2, 1892April 18, 1906Melgar de Fernamental, Spain4,945
25Franz Xavier WernzFatherWernz.jpgSeptember 8, 1906August 20, 1914Rottweil, Germany2,903
26Wlodimir LedochowskiFebruary 11, 1915December 13, 1942Loosdorf, Austria10,167
27Jean-Baptiste JanssensSeptember 15, 1946October 5, 1964Mechelen, Belgium6,595
28Pedro ArrupeMay 22, 1965September 3, 1983Bilbao, Spain6,678
29Peter Hans KolvenbachPeterhanskolvenbach.jpgSeptember 13, 1983January 14, 2008Druten, Netherlands8,889
30Adolfo NicolásAdolfo Nicolas, Sup. Gén.jpgJanuary 19, 2008Villamuriel de Cerrato, Spain1,317

We will look at the Extreme Oath & Absolutist Papal Maxims of the Jesuits in Message Two. In the subsequent Messages, we will look at The Wealth, Power & Atrocities of The Jesuit Order as well as other salient issues about The Jesuit Order and the Roman Catholic Church. May God use these Messages to shake those who are asleep up, bringing liberation to especially Roman Catholics who, instead of DEFENDING CHRIST THE GOSPEL, are rather defending the Jesuit and the Roman Catholic Church. All the Glory to God.

And the CAVEAT: The Cover Design, Preamble & Conclusion were made by Brother Samuel Kwasi Forkuo whilst the Origin of the Jesuit Order was extracted from Eric Jon Phelps' interview granted him by one Martin.

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