JULY 2015 SERIES: The Jesuit, The Roman Catholic Church Et Al
Message Eight: ATROCITY No.5: The 9/11 Attack
Date: Friday, July 24, 2015
Source: 9/11 Was An Inside Job'' Russian President Putin confirms
Cover Design, Introduction & Emphasis By: Samuel Kwasi Forkuo
Source: 9/11 Was An Inside Job'' Russian President Putin confirms
Cover Design, Introduction & Emphasis By: Samuel Kwasi Forkuo
Once again, let me allude to Guy Emery Shipler's statement....
"No political event or circumstance can be evaluated without the knowledge of the Vatican's part in it. And no significant world political situation exists in which the Vatican does not play an important, explicit or implicit part."
The Jesuits/Vatican and their Puppets in Chief, The Rothschilds & Rockefellers (a.k.a. FALSE JEWS/ASKENAZIZ/KHAZARS) orchestrated 9/11 and used it as pretext (1) Go To War in Iraq and Afghanistan; stealing oil from them and thereafter establishing branch of BANK of ROME (a.k.a Central Bank) in these two countries. (2) To take away rights and freedoms of the American peoples, US giving up LIBERTY for SAFETY. (3) To follow Albert Pike’s plan for the beginning of the WWIII, to begin RACIAL STRIFE against the Islamic world. (4) To create a massive amount of wars to generate more money from it, while again, setting up their banks.
Thus, BEFORE 9/11, the only countries that were not on the list of Jesuits/Vatican-Controlled Central Banking System were Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, Sudan, Cuba, Iran and North Korea. AFTER 9/11, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan and Libya were enlisted. Look at how the Jesuits Used US/UN and NATO to wage war in those countries. The only countries which are still not on the list are; CUBA, IRAN and NORTH KOREA. Watch these three countries carefully and see the socio-political development taking place there. STEP-BY-STEP, FAIR OR FOUL MEANS, BY PERSUASION OR FORCE, THE JESUITS/VATICAN ARE WAGING A RELENTLESS WAR TO BRING ALL COUNTRIES UNDER ITS CONTROL.
World Trade Center is an act by Vatican & FALSE JEWS with the complicity of Britain and America, under the orders of the Rothschild.
Now, less than a week before the 9-11 attack, on September 5th, the so-called
lead hijacker Mohamed Atta and several other hijackers made a still-unexplained
visit onboard one of Pro Israeli lobbyist, Ashkenazi Jew, Jack Abramoff’s CASINO
boats, but no investigation was ever made of
this. It is discovered that US drug agents’ communications have been penetrated
and suspicion falls on two companies, AMDOCS and Comverse
Infosys. Who are both owned by Israelis, AMDOCS
generates billing data for most US phone companies and is able to provide detailed
logs of who is talking to whom. Comverse Infosys builds the tapping equipment
used by law enforcement to eavesdrop on all American telephone calls, but
suspicion forms that Comverse Infosys, which gets half of its research and
development budget from the Israeli government, has built a back door into the
system that is being exploited by Israeli intelligence and that the information
gleaned on US drug interdiction efforts is finding its way to drug smugglers.
The investigation by the FBI leads to the exposure of the largest foreign spy
ring ever uncovered inside the United States, operated by Israel and half of
the suspected spies have been arrested when 9-11 happens. On 9-11, 5 Israelis
are arrested for dancing and cheering while the World Trade Towers collapsed,
they were employed by Urban Moving Systems, and the Israelis are caught with
multiple passports and thousands of dollars on each of them. Two of them are
later revealed to be a part of Mossad, the Israeli Secret Intelligence Agency and
Police force. As witness reports track the activity of the Israelis, it happens
to be that they were seen at Liberty Park at the time of the first impact,
suggesting a foreknowledge of what was to come, the Israelis are interrogated,
and then eventually sent back to Israel.

The owner of the moving company used as a cover by the Mossad agents abandons his business and goes to Israel; the United States Government then classifies all of the evidence related to the Israeli agents and their connections to 9-11. All of this is reported to the public by a four part story on Fox News by Carl Cameron, pressure from Jewish groups, like AIPAC force Fox News to remove the story from their website, and they did two hours before the 9-11 attacks happened. Odigo, an Israeli company with offices just a few blocks from the World Trade Towers, receives an advance warning by the internet, the manager of the New York Office provides the FBI with the IP address of the sender of the message, but the FBI does not follow this up and the FBI investigated 5 Israeli moving companies as possible fronts for Israeli intelligence. And one week before the WTC attack, the Zim Shipping Company moves out of its offices in the WTC, breaking its lease and costing the company $50,000. And no reason has ever been given, but Zim Shipping Company is half owned by the State of Israel, the Rothschilds.
And before the attack, millions of dollars of PUT OPTIONS

Also in 2001, Following the World Trade Center attack; anonymous letters containing anthrax were sent to various politicians and media executives, like the 9-11 attack this is immediately blamed on Al-Qaeda, until it is discovered that the anthrax contained within those letters is a specific type of weaponized anthrax made by a United States military laboratory. The FBI then discover that the main suspect for these anthrax letters is a Ashkenazi Jew, Dr. Philip Zack, who had been reprimanded several times by his employers due to offensive remarks he made about Arabs. Dr. Philip Zack was caught on camera entering the storage area where he worked at Fort Detrick which is where the Anthrax was kept. At this point, both the FBI and the mainstream media stopped making any public comments on the case. And on October 3, Israeli Prime Minister, Ariel Sharon, says this to Ashkenazi Jew, Shimon Peres, as reported on Kol Yisrael radio,
"Every time we do something you tell me America will do this and will do that....I want to tell you something very clear, don't worry about American pressure on Israel. We, the Jewish people, control America, and the Americans know it."
Sadly, oh how true it is, oh sadly, how true…
And in 2002, the DEA issues a report that Israeli spies, posing as art students, have been trying to penetrate US Government offices. Police near the Whidbey Island Naval Air Station in southern Washington State stop a suspicious truck and detain two Israelis, one of whom is illegally in the United States. The two men were driving at high speed in a Ryder rental truck, which they claimed had been used to, "deliver furniture." The next day, police discover traces of TNT and RDX military-grade plastic explosives inside the passenger cabin and on the steering wheel of the vehicle. The FBI then announces that the tests that showed explosives were, "false positived," by cigarette smoke, a claim test experts say is ridiculous. And based on an alibi provided by a woman, the case is closed and the Israelis are handed over to INS to be sent back to Israel. One week later, the woman who provided the alibi vanishes.
In 2003, The United States invades Iraq on 19th March, which
this year is the holy, "Day of Purim," in the Jewish calendar. This,
"Day of Purim," is a day the Jews celebrate their victory over Ancient
Babylon, now based within the borders of Iraq. What is significant is that the
previous U.S. led invasion of Iraq ended on the Day of Purim ten years earlier
with the slaughter of 150,000 fleeing Iraqis under Bush Junior's father.
Iraq, is now one of six nations (After we set one up in Afghanistan a year before.) left in the world which didn’t have a Rothschild/Vatican controlled central bank. This war is mainly about stealing Iraq’s water supply for Israel and is being fought with the blood of the American military, and for the oil for the United States. And, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed states in a speech,
Iraq, is now one of six nations (After we set one up in Afghanistan a year before.) left in the world which didn’t have a Rothschild/Vatican controlled central bank. This war is mainly about stealing Iraq’s water supply for Israel and is being fought with the blood of the American military, and for the oil for the United States. And, Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed states in a speech,
"Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them."
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