Friday 28 February 2014


√|Thursday, December 26, 2013|√

(5) Why Did Judah Go into Exile in Babylon? What Specific Sins Led them Into Exile? 

SIN FIVE: They Didn't Keep The 7th-Year Sabbath.They Didn't Have Time for God. They were preoccupied with Making Money/Wealth & the Prophets & Leaders Watered Down THE WORD OF GOD, Prophesied Falsehood In Order To Make More Money.

(i) Point One: Nobody is saying working or making money/wealth is bad, but it is wrong if we allow it to STEAL OUR DEVOTION. Not having time for God is a serious sin. Many people are FAMILIAR WITH THE 7th-DAY SABBATH; BUT THEY ARE NOT AWARE OF THE 7th-YEAR SABBATH. Yes, God told His people to work for 6 DAYS (Sunday to Friday) & REST ON THE 7th DAY (SABBATH/SATURDAY DAY) and they were to keep it HOLY (Exodus 20:8-11). But apart from that, He also told them to work/sow for 6 YEARS and ALLOW THE LAND TO REST ON THE 7th YEAR (7th-YEAR SABBATH) & they were to keep it HOLY (Leviticus 25:1-7).

The ordinary question one would ask is: How could they eat on the 7th Year, if they were to obey God's Commandment regarding the 7th-Year Sabbath? Our God is OMNISCIENT, so He took care of it. Listen to what He said in Leviticus 25:20; ''You may ask, “What will we eat in the seventh year if we do not plant or harvest our crops?” It was a rhetoric question; God was to answer it by Himself in the following two verses (i.e. verses 21 & 22); ''I will send you such a blessing in the sixth year that the land will yield enough for three years. While you plant during the eighth year, you will eat from the old crop and will continue to eat from it until the harvest of the ninth year comes in.'' WHAT A GRACIOUS GOD. He made provision for them so that if they OBSERVED THE 7TH-YEAR SABBATH, they could have their 6th Year Crops blessed so that it could take them from the 6th, to the 7th & to the 8th Year (3 Years of Abundance). Yet, many of them, WANTING TO OUTSMART/OUTWIT GOD, DECIDED TO ALSO WORK/PLANT/CULTIVATE THE LAND ON THE 7TH-YEAR SO THAT THEY COULD HAVE 4 Years OF ABUNDANCE. THEY WERE BUNCH OF GREEDY PEOPLE. We must guide against jealousy, covetousness and Greed because they lead to LOVE of MONEY, THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL. No wonder God sent them into exile so that the Land would enjoy the 7th-Year Sabbath/Rest (2 Chronicles 36:21). Let's be careful; let's have time for God. The ''busy-ness'' is too much. Get time to pray & study the Word of God with your family and other believes before U end up in SPIRITUAL BABYLON.{NB: We'll see why God allow them to be in captivity for 70 years. God didn't choose 70 years arbitrarily; He chose it for a purpose.}

(ii) Point Two: The priests, prophets & the Leaders Extorted Money to Enrich themselves: They prophesied good things about those who gave them money/gifts or food to eat; and they prophesied evil things about those who didn't give them anything. ''As for the prophets who lead my people astray, they proclaim ‘peace’ if they have something to eat, but prepare to wage war against anyone who refuses to feed them.'' (Micah 3:5). They only preached ear-tickling messages so that the house of God would be filled with MANY MEMBERS (Just as Constantine twisted the Word of God by instituting Christmas so as to get Many pagan worshipers to fill the Catholic Church when these people were not truly converted). I DON' Care About the CHURCH We Attend: Be it Apostolic, Baptist, Catholic, Jehovah's Witnesses, Latter-Day Saints, Joel Osteen's Lakewood Church, T.D. Jakes' Potter's House. Any church and/or leader who EXTORTS MONEY from the Members to enrich himself; who twists the Word of God in Order to GET CROWD to fill their Church meetings; Who cheat the rich and worse of it, the poor, in order to better himself & his personal aggrandizement, is surely on the way to SPIRITUAL BABYLON. They water down the Word of God and by doin' so, they become More Popular than the Word of God. They fear to step on toes if they preach the Hard Truth. So they prefer to preach DILUTED/WATERED Gospel and though they can have mega churches, imposing church buildings, get fat income from books they write, tithe, offertory & donations from the HALF-BAKED CHRISTIANS, THEY WILL PERISH IN THE END; UNLESS THEY REPENT GENUINELY. Warning: Church, Get Prepared - WCGP IS PREPARED TO PREACH THE HARD TRUTH THAT IS CAPABLE OF DELIVERING PEOPLE FROM HELL...WE WILL CONTINUE TO EXPOSE FALSEHOOD IN MANY CHURCHES...WE'RE NOT HERE TO PREACH EAR-TICKLING, WATERED-DOWN, DILUTED MESSAGES, CUSTOMS & TRADITIONS OF MEN WHICH CAN AT BEST PRODUCE HALF-BAKED CHRISTIANS & SEND THEM TO HELL. NO SIR. WE STAND FOR THE TRUTH. I PRAY GOD HELPS US ALL. AMEN. (Tomorrow, God willing, We shall look at WHY GOD SENT THEM INTO BABYLON FOR 70 YEARS).

---Samuel Kwasi Forkuo

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