Friday 28 February 2014

►END TIME SERIES---Part One►6) WHY THE SEVENTY (70) YEARS? Why Did GOD SEND Judah into Exile in Babylon FOR SEVENTY (70) Years?

√|Friday, December 28, 2013|√

(6) WHY THE SEVENTY (70) YEARS? Why Did GOD SEND Judah into Exile in Babylon FOR SEVENTY (70) Years? In this piece, U will see that Man Can Never Outsmart/Cheat God. God Always Squares/Balances the Account.

God didn't arbitrarily choose the Seventy (70) years to imposed it on them; He Wisely Chose it to settle the number of Years they Cheated Him by Not Observing the 7th-Year Sabbath.

Israel entered the Promised Land (Canaan) in 1451 BC and they went into captivity/exile in 606 BC when God allowed King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon (The Super Power at the Time) to invade Judah, killed many people and took some of the items from God's Temple away and also carried those who survived as slaves to his city (Daniel 1:1).

Here is the calculation: From 1451BC (when they entered Canaan) to 606BC (when they went into exile in Babylon), how many years? The answer is 845 Years (i.e. 1451 - 606 = 845). This means God waited for a whole 845 years before punishing the people of Judah.

Now, out of the 845 years, they observed the 7th-Year Sabbath for 355 Years. Meaning, they allowed the Land to Rest on every 7th year for 50times or 51times (i.e. 355years divided by 7, which is equal to 50.71).

But they DIDN'T OBSERVE the 7th-Year Sabbath in the remaining 490 years (i.e. 845 - 355 =490). Meaning THEY DID NOT ALLOW THE LAND TO REST FOR 70times (i.e. 490/7 = 70). It is clear that on each of the 7th Year in the 490 years, they didn't observed the 7th-Year Sabbath and this means they DIDN'T ALLOW THE LAND TO REST FOR 70 YEARS.

Why didn't they allow the land to Rest? They were filled with Greed, Covetousness, Jealousy, wanting-to-be rich quick, and thinking that they could outsmart/outwit/cheat God. (Please refer to SIN FIVE dated Thursday, December 26, 2013 post). They Stole 70 years Belonging to God (i.e. They Didn't Allow the Land to Enjoy the 7th-Year Sabbath for 70 Years). Finally, GOD DECIDED TO SQUARE THE ACCOUNT BY SENDING THEM INTO EXILE FOR THE SAME NUMBER OF YEARS (70) THAT THEY DIDN'T ALLOW THE LAND TO REST. Thus, WHEN THEY WERE IN CAPTIVITY IN BABYLON FOR 70Years, THEIR LAND also RESTED for 70Years; JUST AS PROPHET JEREMIAH FORETOLD. 2 Chronicles 36:21

This is EXACTLY what is happening in our time. Today, we're not to observe the 7th-Year Sabbath but people cheat God. They spend their entire life looking for money, amassing wealth without having time for God in prayer & Bible studies. They wake up early to, and return late from, WORK. Some even don' see the need of helping the Work of God. And worse of it, some people steal from the poor to enrich themselves; in politics and in Churches. IF U WANT TO CHEAT GOD; FINE, GO AHEAD. BUT I CAN TELL U, U'LL PAY IT BACK EITHER IN CASH OR IN KIND. IF U PAY FOR IT IN THIS LIFE AND REPENT, U ARE LUCKY...ELSE, U WILL DIE IN SIN AND GO TO HELL. NEVER THINK GOD IS ROBBING U BY TELLING U TO SPEND SOME TIME WITH HIM IN PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDIES. IT IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD. TODAY, MONEY/WEALTH, JOB, FANFARE, ENTERTAINMENT, WORLDLY FESTIVALS, TV PROGRAMMES ETC HAVE CLOUDED PEOPLE'S MIND SUCH THAT THEY DON' HAVE TIME FOR GOD. IF HE WAITED FOR 845 YEARS BUT STILL PUNISHED JUDAH, U CAN BE REST ASSURED THAT U'LL DEFINITELY GET PUNISHED EVEN AFTER MANY YEARS. LET'S REPENT FROM CHEATING GOD (IN ALL WAYS) SO THAT WE DON' GO TO EXILE IN SPIRITUAL BABYLON. We have finished with PART One. The Summary will be in this evening.

---Samuel Kwasi Forkuo

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